
The information provided on and through this website is presented as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the knowledge, skill and judgment of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians and health care professionals. The information on the website has been obtained from sources reasonably believed to be accurate and reliable. Content accessed on or through our platform is neither complete nor exhaustive. You should always talk to your health care provider. Information provided on our website and our social media channels is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”) is a section-8 not for profit community based organization committed to create awareness, education and support for mental health and emotional well-being for the community.


Disclaimer: Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”) is not in the business of providing counselling services and does not own, operate or control the helpline numbers listed on the website. The helpline numbers are listed for referral purposes only, and SGF does not make any recommendations or guarantees regarding the quality of response and medical advice you might receive from any of the helplines. We don’t endorse these helplines and make no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assume no responsibility for, the services provided by these entities. SGF disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of calls made to these helpline numbers.


Reports published on the platform are created by our team with the support of our community and experts. It is only for education and awareness purposes –  it is not a substitute for the knowledge, skill and judgment of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians and health care professionals. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this report shall only be made for educational or other non-commercial purposes. Any such use shall be authorized with the prior permission of the Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”). The requests shall be addressed to info@speakinggrey.com.

Disclaimer: All reasonable precautions have been taken by the Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”) to verify the information contained in our reports. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall SGF be liable for damages arising from its use.


Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”) is not in the business of providing counselling services and has not employed or otherwise engaged any therapists listed on the website. The therapists and their contact details are listed for referral purposes only, and SGF does not make any recommendations or guarantees regarding the quality of response and medical advice you might receive from any of the therapists. We rely on community feedback, word of mouth and general reviews for these professionals. We do not endorse these therapists and make no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the services provided by these therapists. SGF disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of calls/visits made to these therapists.


These Terms and Conditions (“Therapist Terms”) are with reference to your intention to register with the Speaking Grey Foundation’s (“SGF”) website: www.speakinggrey.com (“Website”), as a mental health professional. The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the Website are hereby incorporated in these Therapist Terms by reference.

If you wish to register with the Website as a mental health professional, you grant SGF the right and license to publish your name, designation, location, phone number and email address on the Website, at SGF’s discretion. Notwithstanding the above, you agree and understand that SGF has the right and not the obligation to publish the details concerning you. If you are listed on the Website as a therapist, you agree that 

  • You will not represent to any third party, by any offline or online means (including on your social media channels) that you are an employee, agent or partner of SGF
  • This publication of your credentials is only intended to allow users of this Website access to mental health professionals, and does in no way constitute an agency, master-servant relationship, employer-employee relationship, legal representative, partnership, association of persons or other form of joint enterprise between you and Speaking Grey.
  • You will not enter into any agreement or arrangement which will bind Speaking Grey legally or otherwise (iv) You shall not be entitled to claim any benefits enjoyed by Speaking Grey’s team.
  • You will solely be liable for any communication, advise, counsel, assessment, or recommendation made to users of this Website. 

In the event that it is brought to SGF’s notice that you have advertised, marketed, or portrayed yourself or your practice as a SGF’s employee, SGF has the right to remove your credentials on the Website, and direct you to remove any posts/content in relation to SGF.

SHARE YOUR STORY – Our Campaign and Initiative

The stories and mental health journeys of individuals with a lived mental health condition, published by Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”) on our platform are intended purely for awareness and reference purpose only – we intend to inspire our community with these recovery stories and journeys and aim to break the stigma attached to mental health, mental illness and seeking support. The Stories are by no means intended to malign or defame any person, organisation, race, or community. The Stories are views of the concerned author only and SGF does not endorse, recommend, or represent on veracity of the advice contained in the Stories. Additionally, the Stories should not in any manner be considered as a substitute for professional help or advice. All experiences are personal, hence advice and suggestions contained in the Stories may not apply to a user’s specific facts or situations, and it is recommended that professional help is sought for such matters. SGF disclaims all liability of all nature arising out of reliance placed on the advice set out in the Stories.

Disclaimer: If you’re in need of an emergency or instant response service, please refer to the Emergency Helplines under Resources on the website.