Community Guidelines

Our Code of Conduct and your pledge to be an upstanding member of the Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”) community.

It’s at the discretion of Team SGF to revoke your rights to access the platform in case of unfitting behaviour/activity.

Speaking Grey Foundation (“SGF”) with its intent to create hope and support for our community has an online portal on SGF’s website (– “Being Kind” Wall. It is an online space on the website which is community based where our users can post messages of Kindness for self and others. To keep our community safe, we enforce our Community Guidelines with a zero-tolerance policy. We actively moderate the space and ban users who violate these guidelines. We reserve the right to suspend accounts or remove User Posts for violating the guidelines or for any reason, but particularly to protect our users and community. We don’t endorse any post or any opinion. 

  1. No Cyberbullying or Harassment. Bullying is not allowed on SGF’s website. Do not defame, impersonate, threaten, verbally abuse, or use fear to silence another person. Do not share personal information about another person, including addresses or phone numbers. Hate speech targeted towards any group of people will be removed immediately. This includes hateful speech on the basis of gender, sexuality, race, religion, and ethnicity. Do not post any User Posts that may create a risk or harm, loss, physical or mental injury to yourself, or to any other person.
  2. No Inappropriate or Offensive User Posts. Do not post User Posts that you would not feel comfortable releasing without anonymity. Do not post User Posts that are in any way harmful, obscene or otherwise objectionable (as determined by SGF in its sole discretion). 
  3. No Illegal Behavior. Do not post User Posts that you do not have the rights to. Do not use SGF’s website to engage in or promote illegal behavior.  If we find you doing it, your account will be deleted and we’ll take appropriate action, which may include reporting you to law enforcement.
  4. Respect Complete Anonymity. Do not attempt to discover the identity of another user or impersonate others. The App is built on the premise that users can answer questions completely anonymously. Any user that tries to solicit contact information or otherwise engage in contact outside the scope of the App will be warned and/or lose access to their account and the App. Similarly, do not publish or post other people’s private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, street address, or Social Security/National Identity numbers.
  5. No commercial activities or Spam. Do not use SGF website to promote or sell products or services or otherwise direct other Users to commercial entities. You may also not publish or link to malicious content intended to damage or disrupt another person’s browser or computer or to compromise a person’s privacy.
  6. No Multiple Account Abuse. Do not create multiple accounts with overlapping uses or in order to evade the temporary or permanent deactivation of a separate account.
  7. Self-Harm. We don’t encourage and tolerate any promotion of activities that can/may lead to Self-Harm.
  8. Intent and Nature of User Posts: The nature and intent of user posts is to promote kindness within our community. Posts which violate the intent in any capacity will be removed at the discretion of SGF Team.

In Conclusion, Let’s spread Kindness together.

We’re a global community of individuals coming from different walks of life. We strongly believe and encourage everyone on our platform to be empathetic, kind and polite to one another. Hence, we have the space “Being Kind” to spread hope, positivity and kindness. Our community guidelines are in place to ensure that everyone on our platform and community feels safe and is a part of the change we wish to see and create. 

You may also want to check out our Privacy Policy and Disclaimers. If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us at