Mental Health Journeys

Two faces Art

Borderline Personality Disorder: Tracing My Path to Recovery

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a pervasive psychiatric illness, affecting all aspects of a person’s – of my life.  BPD has injected its tentacles into all areas of my life, including my career, my love life, my sexuality, my family and friends and my creativity. In some of these areas, I’ve been successful and in …

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Mental Health At Work – A Conversation

Inhuman deadlines!  Multifarious challenges! Misguided conflicts! Barrage of calls and uncalled for reminders!!   The list goes on and on… A candid interaction reveals it all..   Claire – Hey Zane. How have you been?  Zane- Hey Claire. Am doing fine. As much as I can. Thank you for checking on me. How have you …

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